Final Page (20) of the TAG compliance plan submitted by Portland Public Schools to the Oregon Department of Education on June 30th. 2008.  Transcribed by Margaret DeLacy from the fax transmission of the original .


"Order and required action 10 [quoting the State's order]

Provide written quarterly reports to the Department that describe the district's efforts and progress in implementing the plan for meeting the standardization replacement of the order. The first report shall be due 90 days after the district submits its plan. The district shall continue to submit a quarterly progress report to the Department every 90 days thereafter until the Su0perintendent determines that the district has come into compliance with TAG statutes and rules as required by this order.Findings Order and Required Action, Paragraph 1. Based on findings in accourance with ORS 327.103(3) within 90 days of receivng the Final Order, Portland PUblic Schools shall submit forthe Superintendent's approval a plan for meeting standardization requirements

Background At the present time, the TAG Office does not routinely send reports to the state. ODE does capture TAG census data through eSIS on December 1 and May 1

Corrective Action Processes and Timeline The TAG Office will create templates for all documentation and reporting associated with all ten Corrective Actions. Quarterly reports will be submitted to the State on September 15, December 15, March 15 and June 15 of every academic year until the Superintendent determines that the district has come into compliance with TAG statutes and rules as identified in and required by this order.

Topics for each report will include but not be limited to

September 15--District and building professional development plans, TAG building Plans and Budgets

December 15--Evaluate nomination and identification data

March 15--Student achievement data

June 15--The District's approach to differetiation for all students based on RTI and EESC

by Amy Welch [the PPS TAG administrator]

Date June 30 2008